6 Common Japanese Learner Mistakes: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation
Let's solve your confusion on these 6 common Japanese learner mistakes!
Test Your Knowledge of Formal Japanese: Keigo Quiz
Test your knowledge of formal Japanese! Review and test your knowledge with this 10 question quiz!
Syllables vs Moras: The Most Undervalued Part of Good Japanese Pronunciation
Learn what a mora is, and how to use it to dramatically improver your overall Japanese accent!
How Japanese Works: A Linguistic Perspective
What are the essentials of the Japanese language that you should know before you begin studying? Let's look at the basics of the sounds, writing system, grammar, and formality levels - all from a Japanese teacher with a linguistic background!
Tone vs Pitch Accent: Is Japanese a tonal language?
Are pitch accent and tone the same? Does Japanese use tones? Today, let's answer these questions! We'll discuss the similarities and differences between tone and pitch accent, and then look at how Japanese works.
声調と高低アクセントの違いは?日本語は声調言語なのか? 今回は日本語学習者のそんなご質問にお答えします!
Navigate Japan’s Airports with Ease
Prepare for your trip to Japan by learning some essential vocabulary and phrases to help you navigate the airports!
Indigenous Peoples of Canada: Let’s (also) talk about it in Japanese ~日本語でも話そう~
If you've been studying Japanese and you want to be able to talk about a wider variety of topics not covered in class or textbooks, this is for you. Join me in learning how to talk about the indigenous peoples of Canada, with the help of 3 news articles.
Keigo Explained: Formal/Business Japanese with Sonkeigo, Kenjogo, Teichogo (尊敬語・謙譲語・丁重語)
Keigo is especially important if you want to work using Japanese, but it'll give you a boost in the JLPT and when you're traveling Japan. Let's first review the the different types of formality in Japanese, before looking into sonkeigo, kenjogo, and teichogo in detail. Learn how to create and use keigo correctly!
Formal vs Informal Japanese: Keigo and more
Japanese has different categories of formality. There are two main groups: futsūtai (普通体/ふつうたい) and keigo (敬語/けいご). Futsūtai is informal/casual Japanese and keigo is formal Japanese. There are 5 subgroups within keigo. Learn how to identify and when to use each one to level-up your Japanese!
Hayakuchi Kotoba: Japanese Tongue Twisters to Improve Your Pronunciation ~早口言葉で日本語の発音力アップ~
Tongue twisters are a fun way to improve your Japanese pronunciation! No textbooks involved. They're designed to be challenging to say, so you need to focus on your overall enunciation, and the pronunciation of each sound. Learn how to improve with them and practice 4 famous tongue twisters!
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Let’s (also) talk about it in Japanese ~日本語でも話そう~
If you've been studying Japanese and you want to be able to talk about a wider variety of topics not covered in class or textbooks, this is for you. Join me in learning how to talk about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japanese, with the help of 3 news articles.
4 Tips for Beginner to Advanced Level Japanese Language Learners
Four tips for Japanese language learners at any level!
Language, Identity, and Japanese for Nikkei: An Interview with Mimi Okabe, PhD
Recently, I spoke with Mimi Okabe, PhD, my friend and business partner. She shared her thoughts and experiences about language, identity, and the new business, Japanese for Nikkei.
Study Strategies from a Japanese Language Learner Whose Goal it is to Become a Translator
This month, I spoke with Nicole, an aspiring translator, about her language learning strategies. What’s worked, what hasn’t, and what suggestions does she have for other Japanese learners?
Maintaining and improving your languages isn't always easy. It hasn't been for me. I now know I wasn't alone in this struggle, and neither are you. Let me share with you some of my challenges, and what I've done to get to where I am today.
Find out how interaction, the process of negotiating meaning in face-to-face communication can help you learn languages faster!
Fighting Racism & Monolingualism: An Interview with Morenita Mommy founder, Errol
This month, I spoke with Errol, trilingual business owner and founder of Morenita Mommy! She shared with me stories of business and multilingualism.
Japanese Study Strategies From a Self- and Classroom Taught Speaker
Self-and classroom taught Abby shares the best and worst Japanese study strategies, her experience, and what motivates her to keep improving!
Japanese Pronunciation: 6 Points to Remember & Practice to Sound More Like a Native Speaker
6 Points to remember & practice in order to have natural-sounding Japanese!
Learn how to use shadowing to improve your speaking ability!