6 Common Japanese Learner Mistakes: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation
Let's solve your confusion on these 6 common Japanese learner mistakes!
Tone vs Pitch Accent: Is Japanese a tonal language?
Are pitch accent and tone the same? Does Japanese use tones? Today, let's answer these questions! We'll discuss the similarities and differences between tone and pitch accent, and then look at how Japanese works.
声調と高低アクセントの違いは?日本語は声調言語なのか? 今回は日本語学習者のそんなご質問にお答えします!
Indigenous Peoples of Canada: Let’s (also) talk about it in Japanese ~日本語でも話そう~
If you've been studying Japanese and you want to be able to talk about a wider variety of topics not covered in class or textbooks, this is for you. Join me in learning how to talk about the indigenous peoples of Canada, with the help of 3 news articles.
Hayakuchi Kotoba: Japanese Tongue Twisters to Improve Your Pronunciation ~早口言葉で日本語の発音力アップ~
Tongue twisters are a fun way to improve your Japanese pronunciation! No textbooks involved. They're designed to be challenging to say, so you need to focus on your overall enunciation, and the pronunciation of each sound. Learn how to improve with them and practice 4 famous tongue twisters!
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Let’s (also) talk about it in Japanese ~日本語でも話そう~
If you've been studying Japanese and you want to be able to talk about a wider variety of topics not covered in class or textbooks, this is for you. Join me in learning how to talk about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japanese, with the help of 3 news articles.
4 Tips for Beginner to Advanced Level Japanese Language Learners
Four tips for Japanese language learners at any level!
Japanese Pronunciation: 6 Points to Remember & Practice to Sound More Like a Native Speaker
6 Points to remember & practice in order to have natural-sounding Japanese!